Games in class are strategies to engage students and motivate them in the learning process. Teachers know that.

However, sometimes they spend so much time looking for games and dynamics on the web instead of starting something practical or even improving their own skills.

Thinking about it, is it possible to prepare simple but at the same time, attractive activities for ESL students?

First of all, focus on the objective of the lesson. WHAT’S the purpose of the topic? How students can “use” this vocabulary or structure in real life?

Second, certify that the game or dynamic will be significant in reference of experiment language in real situations in society.

After, check if the game will provide the following:

It is an opportunity to help students with language difficulties;

The students can improve speaking and listening at the same time;

Students feel comfortable to speak without any judgments and be more confident;

Students can also interact with others realizing that people are different and respect is something essencial for living or working together.

That is why teachers need a tool to enrich their lesson plan. 40 ENGLISH GAMES is an eBook specially elaborated to optimize time and provide fun and interesting experience in English classes.


40 ENGLISH GAMES is available on Teachers Pay Teachers website. The eBook provides practical information such as time, number of players, materials needed and other details to warrant engagement and fun.

Click here to access our store on Teachers Pay Teachers! Our eBook can be accessed by a desktop, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone!

Be busy and have fun!

Published by Beabusybee

Be busy and have fun! Tips and resources for ESL teachers! Dicas e materiais de auxílio para os professores de inglês como segunda língua!


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